Struct bitflags::__core::ptr::Unique [] [src]

pub struct Unique<T> where T: ?Sized {
    // some fields omitted
Unstable (unique)

: needs an RFC to flesh out design

A wrapper around a raw non-null *mut T that indicates that the possessor of this wrapper owns the referent. This in turn implies that the Unique<T> is Send/Sync if T is Send/Sync, unlike a raw *mut T (which conveys no particular ownership semantics). It also implies that the referent of the pointer should not be modified without a unique path to the Unique reference. Useful for building abstractions like Vec<T> or Box<T>, which internally use raw pointers to manage the memory that they own.


impl<T> Unique<T> where T: ?Sized

const unsafe fn new(ptr: *mut T) -> Unique<T>

Unstable (unique)

Creates a new Unique.


ptr must be non-null.

unsafe fn get(&self) -> &T

Unstable (unique)

Dereferences the content.

unsafe fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Unstable (unique)

Mutably dereferences the content.

Methods from Deref<Target=*mut T>

fn is_null(self) -> bool1.0.0

Returns true if the pointer is null.


Basic usage:

let s: &str = "Follow the rabbit";
let ptr: *const u8 = s.as_ptr();

unsafe fn as_ref(self) -> Option<&'a T>1.9.0

Returns None if the pointer is null, or else returns a reference to the value wrapped in Some.


While this method and its mutable counterpart are useful for null-safety, it is important to note that this is still an unsafe operation because the returned value could be pointing to invalid memory.

Additionally, the lifetime 'a returned is arbitrarily chosen and does not necessarily reflect the actual lifetime of the data.


Basic usage:

let val: *const u8 = &10u8 as *const u8;

unsafe {
    if let Some(val_back) = val.as_ref() {
        println!("We got back the value: {}!", val_back);

unsafe fn offset(self, count: isize) -> *const T1.0.0

Calculates the offset from a pointer. count is in units of T; e.g. a count of 3 represents a pointer offset of 3 * sizeof::<T>() bytes.


Both the starting and resulting pointer must be either in bounds or one byte past the end of an allocated object. If either pointer is out of bounds or arithmetic overflow occurs then any further use of the returned value will result in undefined behavior.


Basic usage:

let s: &str = "123";
let ptr: *const u8 = s.as_ptr();

unsafe {
    println!("{}", *ptr.offset(1) as char);
    println!("{}", *ptr.offset(2) as char);

fn is_null(self) -> bool1.0.0

Returns true if the pointer is null.


Basic usage:

let mut s = [1, 2, 3];
let ptr: *mut u32 = s.as_mut_ptr();

unsafe fn as_ref(self) -> Option<&'a T>1.9.0

Returns None if the pointer is null, or else returns a reference to the value wrapped in Some.


While this method and its mutable counterpart are useful for null-safety, it is important to note that this is still an unsafe operation because the returned value could be pointing to invalid memory.

Additionally, the lifetime 'a returned is arbitrarily chosen and does not necessarily reflect the actual lifetime of the data.


Basic usage:

let val: *mut u8 = &mut 10u8 as *mut u8;

unsafe {
    if let Some(val_back) = val.as_ref() {
        println!("We got back the value: {}!", val_back);

unsafe fn offset(self, count: isize) -> *mut T1.0.0

Calculates the offset from a pointer. count is in units of T; e.g. a count of 3 represents a pointer offset of 3 * sizeof::<T>() bytes.


The offset must be in-bounds of the object, or one-byte-past-the-end. Otherwise offset invokes Undefined Behavior, regardless of whether the pointer is used.


Basic usage:

let mut s = [1, 2, 3];
let ptr: *mut u32 = s.as_mut_ptr();

unsafe {
    println!("{}", *ptr.offset(1));
    println!("{}", *ptr.offset(2));

unsafe fn as_mut(self) -> Option<&'a mut T>1.9.0

Returns None if the pointer is null, or else returns a mutable reference to the value wrapped in Some.


As with as_ref, this is unsafe because it cannot verify the validity of the returned pointer, nor can it ensure that the lifetime 'a returned is indeed a valid lifetime for the contained data.


Basic usage:

let mut s = [1, 2, 3];
let ptr: *mut u32 = s.as_mut_ptr();
let first_value = unsafe { ptr.as_mut().unwrap() };
*first_value = 4;
println!("{:?}", s); // It'll print: "[4, 2, 3]".

Trait Implementations

impl<T> UnwindSafe for Unique<T> where T: UnwindSafe1.9.0

impl<T> Send for Unique<T> where T: Send + ?Sized

Unique pointers are Send if T is Send because the data they reference is unaliased. Note that this aliasing invariant is unenforced by the type system; the abstraction using the Unique must enforce it.

impl<T> Sync for Unique<T> where T: Sync + ?Sized

Unique pointers are Sync if T is Sync because the data they reference is unaliased. Note that this aliasing invariant is unenforced by the type system; the abstraction using the Unique must enforce it.

impl<T, U> CoerceUnsized<Unique<U>> for Unique<T> where T: Unsize<U> + ?Sized, U: ?Sized

impl<T> Deref for Unique<T> where T: ?Sized

type Target = *mut T

Unstable (unique)

fn deref(&self) -> &*mut T

Unstable (unique)

impl<T> Pointer for Unique<T>1.0.0

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error>