Module bitflags::__core::ptr [] [src]

Raw, unsafe pointers, *const T, and *mut T.

See also the pointer primitive types.


Shared [Unstable]

A wrapper around a raw non-null *mut T that indicates that the possessor of this wrapper has shared ownership of the referent. Useful for building abstractions like Rc<T> or Arc<T>, which internally use raw pointers to manage the memory that they own.

Unique [Unstable]

A wrapper around a raw non-null *mut T that indicates that the possessor of this wrapper owns the referent. This in turn implies that the Unique<T> is Send/Sync if T is Send/Sync, unlike a raw *mut T (which conveys no particular ownership semantics). It also implies that the referent of the pointer should not be modified without a unique path to the Unique reference. Useful for building abstractions like Vec<T> or Box<T>, which internally use raw pointers to manage the memory that they own.



Copies count * size_of<T> bytes from src to dst. The source and destination may overlap.


Copies count * size_of<T> bytes from src to dst. The source and destination may not overlap.


Executes the destructor (if any) of the pointed-to value.


Creates a null raw pointer.


Creates a null mutable raw pointer.


Reads the value from src without moving it. This leaves the memory in src unchanged.


Performs a volatile read of the value from src without moving it. This leaves the memory in src unchanged.


Replaces the value at dest with src, returning the old value, without dropping either.


Swaps the values at two mutable locations of the same type, without deinitializing either. They may overlap, unlike mem::swap which is otherwise equivalent.


Overwrites a memory location with the given value without reading or dropping the old value.


Invokes memset on the specified pointer, setting count * size_of::<T>() bytes of memory starting at dst to val.


Performs a volatile write of a memory location with the given value without reading or dropping the old value.

read_and_drop [Unstable]