Welcome back!

Previously, we have created a procedural macro, which, given this Vertex definition:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Vertex {
    #[location = "0"]
    pos: data::f32_f32_f32,
    #[location = "1"]
    clr: data::f32_f32_f32,

…auto generates vertex_attrib_pointers function for Vertex, which calls this vertex_attrib_pointer method for each Vertex field with correct arguments:

(example, some code omitted)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct f32_f32_f32 {
    pub d0: f32,
    pub d1: f32,
    pub d2: f32,

impl f32_f32_f32 {
    pub unsafe fn vertex_attrib_pointer(
        gl: &gl::Gl, stride: usize, location: usize, offset: usize
    ) {
        gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(location as gl::types::GLuint);
            location as gl::types::GLuint,
            3, // the number of components per generic vertex attribute
            gl::FLOAT, // data type
            gl::FALSE, // normalized (int-to-float conversion)
            stride as gl::types::GLint,
            offset as *const gl::types::GLvoid

But so far we have only had one data type: f32_f32_f32.

In this post, we will walk over implementing the remaining OpenGL data types.

However, most of it is very boring, therefore we will start by looking at more exotic data type, which in OpenGL is named GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV.


This is 32-bit 4-dimensional vector, where the first dimension has 2 bits, and the last 3 dimensions have 10 bits each.

It is useful for representing a color with an alpha, where the alpha does not require much precision. In this case, 2 bits can be used for alpha (for a total of 4 values), and the remaining bits for 3 colors.

At the first glance, this might look very inconvenient. Let’s say we want this to represent the color with alpha, as mentioned. If a shader received a 4-integer vector with varying-width integers, it would require additional fiddling to normalize these values back to floats between 0 and 1.

Luckily, the 4-th parameter to glVertexAttribPointer does exactly that - converts these integers to normalized floating point values, between 0 and 1. We can then use vec4 in the shader code, provided we set normalized to gl::TRUE.

All we need to do is pack 4 values into this format. To test it out, we will use this format for colors of our triangle, bringing down the used bytes for vertex from 24 to 16, making it a very optimized hello-world triangle.

I bet no other tutorial has delayed the spinning cube for so long as this one ;)

Wrapper type for GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV

Spoiler: there is a crate for it!

The crate is named vec-2-10-10-10, and can be found here.

We will overview how it works, to get familiar with an API.

At the core of it, the Vector struct wraps a simple 32-bit integer:

(code from vec-2-10-10-10 crate)

#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct Vector {
    data: u32,

It makes sense to store all vector components as a single integer, because the bits will need to be shifted to the right places anyways.

For example, let’s say that values w (2 bits), x, y and z (10 bits) all contain the right bits:

  • w [00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010]
  • z [00000000 00000000 00000011 11111111]
  • y [00000000 00000000 00000001 01010101]
  • x [00000000 00000000 00000000 11001100]

To construct the final value, we need to shift w 30 bits to left, z 20 bits to left, y 10 bits to left, leave x in the same place, and combine them together (with OR):

let mut c: u32 = 0;
c |= w << 30;
c |= z << 20;
c |= y << 10;
c |= x << 0;

Vector {
    data: c
  • data [10111111 11110101 01010100 11001100]

To convert floating-point x, y, z and w from 0 to 1 to the initial integers, we can multiply them to the respective max int value, round the results, and then cast them to integer types:

// example values
let x: f32 = 0.3;
let y: f32 = 0.6;
let z: f32 = 0.0;
let w: f32 = 1.0;

let x = (clamp(x) * 1023f32).round() as u32; // 2^10 = 1024
let y = (clamp(y) * 1023f32).round() as u32;
let z = (clamp(z) * 1023f32).round() as u32;
let w = (clamp(w) * 3f32).round() as u32; // 2^2 = 4

So, these two actions are combined in Vector constructor:

pub fn new(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32) -> Vector {
    let x = (clamp(x) * 1023f32).round() as u32;
    let y = (clamp(y) * 1023f32).round() as u32;
    let z = (clamp(z) * 1023f32).round() as u32;
    let w = (clamp(w) * 3f32).round() as u32;

    let mut c: u32 = 0;
    c |= w << 30;
    c |= z << 20;
    c |= y << 10;
    c |= x << 0;

    Vector {
        data: c

The Vector also have methods to retrieve the values, as well as change them individually while leaving other bits intact. Full API doc is here.

What is important to us, that this vector should be directly usable to render our triangle colors. However, it does not implement vertex_attrib_pointer method, and it really shouldn’t - it’s not a concern of this small library.

But we are free to create a new zero-cost wrapper type, sometimes also called a newtype, to wrap the vec_2_10_10_10::Vector functionality, and also implement the vertex_attrib_pointer method that we need.

The u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float Wrapper

Inside Cargo.toml, we can reference vec_2_10_10_10 crate:

(Cargo.toml, added dependency)

vec-2-10-10-10 = "0.1.2"

As well as the crate reference:


extern crate vec_2_10_10_10;

Cargo has this interesting convention where - and _ in the crate names are interchangeable, but when adding extern crate we need to use _.

Inside render_gl::data, we can now create a wrapper for u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float.

I am suffixing the type with _float, because there might be another type which does not normalize the integers to floats when passing them to the shader:

(src/render_gl/data.rs, added new struct)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float {
    pub inner: ::vec_2_10_10_10::Vector,

impl From<(f32, f32, f32, f32)> for u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float {
    fn from(other: (f32, f32, f32, f32)) -> Self {
        u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float {
            inner: ::vec_2_10_10_10::Vector::new(other.0, other.1, other.2, other.3)

We are not going to re-implement all the same constructor with the setters and getters; instead, we will simply expose the inner field as public.

But the helper From<(f32, f32, f32, f32)> is nice to have, to be able to convert (f32, f32, f32, f32) to u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float with .into() call.

Now, all that’s left is to add vertex_attrib_pointer method with correct arguments to glVertexAttribPointer:

(src/render_gl/data.rs, added impl)

impl u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float {
    pub unsafe fn vertex_attrib_pointer(gl: &gl::Gl, stride: usize, location: usize, offset: usize) {
        gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(location as gl::types::GLuint);
            location as gl::types::GLuint,
            4, // the number of components per generic vertex attribute
            gl::UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV, // data type
            gl::TRUE, // normalized (int-to-float conversion)
            stride as gl::types::GLint,
            offset as *const gl::types::GLvoid

Using u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float instead of f32_f32_f32 for Triangle Color

Inside main.rs, let’s modify Vertex type to use this new type:

(src/main.rs, modified code snippet)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Vertex {
    #[location = "0"]
    pos: data::f32_f32_f32,
    #[location = "1"]
    clr: data::u2_u10_u10_u10_rev_float, // changed

And we need to change vertices initialization:

(src/main.rs, modified code snippet)

let vertices: Vec<Vertex> = vec![
    Vertex {
        pos: (0.5, -0.5, 0.0).into(),
        clr: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).into()
    }, // bottom right
    Vertex {
        pos: (-0.5, -0.5, 0.0).into(),
        clr: (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0).into()
    }, // bottom left
    Vertex { 
        pos: (0.0,  0.5, 0.0).into(),
        clr: (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).into()
    }  // top

This vector now has 4 components, the last one used for alpha. We can set it to 1.0.

We also need to modify the shader: it is expecting vec3, but now we are passing vec4:

(shaders/triangle.vert, full code)

#version 330 core

layout (location = 0) in vec3 Position;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 Color; // changed

    vec3 Color;
} OUT;

void main()
    gl_Position = vec4(Position, 1.0);
    OUT.Color = Color.xyz; // changed, ignore w component

Let’s compile it and run. Magic! It’s like nothing ever happened! Try modifying the triangle colors and check that yes, this is actually working!

The rest of the Data Types

Let’s start from the simplest data type, i8. It’s a newtype for built-in i8 type, but I had to name it u8_, to avoid name clash. It has vertex_attrib_pointer implemented. Here is the implementation:

(src/render_gl/data.rs, added code)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct i8_ {
    pub d0: i8,

impl i8_ {
    pub fn new(d0: i8) -> i8_ {
        i8_ { d0 }

    pub unsafe fn vertex_attrib_pointer(gl: &gl::Gl, stride: usize, location: usize, offset: usize) {
        gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(location as gl::types::GLuint);
        gl.VertexAttribIPointer(location as gl::types::GLuint,
                                1, // the number of components per generic vertex attribute
                                gl::BYTE, // data type
                                stride as gl::types::GLint,
                                offset as *const gl::types::GLvoid);

impl From<i8> for i8_ {
    fn from(other: i8) -> Self {

Here, I am using VertexAttribIPointer.

One more example, for i8_float type. Here we are continuing our convention to suffix integer types that are normalized to floats with _float. Otherwise everything else is very similar:

(src/render_gl/data.rs, added code)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct i8_float {
    pub d0: i8,

impl i8_float {
    pub fn new(d0: i8) -> i8_float {
        i8_float { d0 }

    pub unsafe fn vertex_attrib_pointer(gl: &gl::Gl, stride: usize, location: usize, offset: usize) {
        gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(location as gl::types::GLuint);
        gl.VertexAttribPointer(location as gl::types::GLuint,
                               1, // the number of components per generic vertex attribute
                               gl::BYTE, // data type
                               gl::TRUE, // normalized (int-to-float conversion)
                               stride as gl::types::GLint,
                               offset as *const gl::types::GLvoid);

impl From<i8> for i8_float {
    /// Create this data type from i8
    fn from(other: i8) -> Self {

To avoid getting bored to death, we won’t continue this here in the blog post.

One approach would be to add these implementations as-needed, to make sure every new added implementation is tested.

However, I fear that every time I will need to add something new, I will have to read OpenGL docs again. Therefore I went ahead and added all the possible OpenGL data types that I could think of.

In the process, I’ve also found a half crate, for half-precision floating point value f16 (software implementation). Some of the exotic types, such as i2_i10_i10_i10_rev, u10_u11_u11_rev, i2_i10_i10_i10_rev_float and u10_u11_u11_rev_float will only have stub implementations with no nice inner type (I’ve left u32 there and a TODO comment).

Why we have avoided using macros? Well, they don’t work well for API generation - we would loose most of autocomplete suggestions, because our tools are not there yet.

Full source code, as always, is available on github.

Next time, we will create abstractions for VAO and VBO.