Welcome back!

Previously, we have written this repetitive impl for our Vertex type:

(some code omitted)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Vertex {
    pos: data::f32_f32_f32,
    clr: data::f32_f32_f32,

impl Vertex {
    fn vertex_attrib_pointers(gl: &gl::Gl) {
        let stride = std::mem::size_of::<Self>(); // byte offset between consecutive attributes

        // pos

        let location = 0; // layout (location = 0)
        let offset = 0; // offset of the first component

        unsafe {
            data::f32_f32_f32::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);
        // clr

        let location = 1; // layout (location = 1)
        let offset = offset + std::mem::size_of::<data::f32_f32_f32>(); // offset of the first component

        unsafe {
            data::f32_f32_f32::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);

This time, we will auto-generate this impl Vertex code using procedural macros.

What are the Procedural Macros?

Procedural macros allow us to generate code at compile time. You’ve used them before: for example, the failure crate we’ve tried recently uses procedural macros to automatically implement Fail trait when we write #[derive(Fail)] above the struct.

A procedural macro applied to a struct can receive the tokens for struct from the compiler, and output any amount of code for this struct (in form of tokens) that will be then inlined bellow the struct and type-checked as usual.

Procedural macro can not remove or add fields on a struct, it can only append a new code. Which is perfectly fine for our use case.

The Goal

The goal is to replace the code above with some attributes on our type:

(src/main.rs, example)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Vertex {
    #[location = "0"]
    pos: data::f32_f32_f32,
    #[location = "1"]
    clr: data::f32_f32_f32,

The simplest possible Implementation

We can start by auto-generating impl Vertex code as-is, to test that this set up can work at all. We will simply hardcode the procedural macro output for now.

There is one caveat: procedural macro will need to live in it’s own crate. However, as strange as it may seem, this crate would not need to depend on render_gl crate to generate code for render_gl::data structs: all it is going to care of are tokenized code input and output.

The longer-term plan in our examples would be to move render_gl and resources modules into their own crates. However, I want to keep the code for each part separately downloadable, and I am reluctant to move it into a separate crate shared by all lessons until it is clear that we won’t need to change it. However, for procedural macros, we have to have a separate crate, and it is clear that it will need to change, so I have to keep the code inside the lesson’s directory.

However, in your own project, you may do as you wish.

Let’s create render_gl_derive crate. The _derive suffix is a convention for macro crates that implement derive:

open gl derive

It would sit nicely there alongside render_gl and resources crates, but for now we will leave render_gl and resources inside the src. Again, I do this to simplify the example code.

Now, we can set up a minimal procedural macro crate.

Inside Cargo.toml, we add the usual stuff, as well as dependencies on quote and syn crates. We are following here the official tutorial for procedural macros.

(render_gl_derive/Cargo.toml, full file contents)

name = "lesson_10_render_gl_derive"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = []

quote = "0.3.15"
syn = "0.11.11"

proc-macro = true

Two notes here:

  • We need to mark crate with proc-macro = true flag at the end.
  • I’ve prefixed the crate name with lesson_10_, because I am going to copy this code into the next lesson, and because the lessons are living in the same parent cargo workspace, I will be using these prefixes to give different names to the same crates in different lessons.

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, full file contents)


extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate syn;
#[macro_use] extern crate quote;

#[proc_macro_derive(VertexAttribPointers, attributes())]
pub fn vertex_attrib_pointers_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    // Construct a string representation of the type definition
    let s = input.to_string();

    // Parse the string representation
    let ast = syn::parse_derive_input(&s).unwrap();

    // Build the impl
    let gen = generate_impl(&ast);

    // Return the generated impl

fn generate_impl(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> quote::Tokens {
    quote! {
        impl Vertex {
            fn vertex_attrib_pointers(gl: &gl::Gl) {
                let stride = std::mem::size_of::<Self>(); // byte offset between consecutive attributes

                let location = 0; // layout (location = 0)
                let offset = 0; // offset of the first component

                unsafe {
                    data::f32_f32_f32::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);

                let location = 1; // layout (location = 1)
                let offset = offset + std::mem::size_of::<data::f32_f32_f32>(); // offset of the first component

                unsafe {
                    data::f32_f32_f32::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);

Let’s go over this code bit by bit.

The #![recursion_limit="128"] is needed because we will be using some amazing macros from quote crate.

extern crate proc_macro;

The proc_macro crate is a compiler hack: it does not exist, except inside a crate marked with proc-macro, and we suddenly get access to compiler tokens.

extern crate syn;
#[macro_use] extern crate quote;

These crates will be used to work with macro input and output in a convenient way.

#[proc_macro_derive(VertexAttribPointers, attributes())]
pub fn vertex_attrib_pointers_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {

This line “registers” our derive implementation. We may choose any name we want, I’ve picked VertexAttribPointers. Our function will be called vertex_attrib_pointers_derive.

pub fn vertex_attrib_pointers_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    // Construct a string representation of the type definition
    let s = input.to_string();

    // Parse the string representation
    let ast = syn::parse_derive_input(&s).unwrap();

    // Build the impl
    let gen = generate_impl(&ast);

    // Return the generated impl

Inside this helper function, we take tokens from the compiler (they are a string), then parse them with syn crate into AST (abstract syntax tree, which will allow us to inspect the code in a convenient way). Then, we run our function to generate the implementation code, and then return the string back to the compiler.

Let’s got back to the next part, the generate_impl function:

fn generate_impl(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> quote::Tokens {
    quote! {
        impl Vertex {
            fn vertex_attrib_pointers(gl: &gl::Gl) {
                let stride = std::mem::size_of::<Self>(); // byte offset between consecutive attributes

                let location = 0; // layout (location = 0)
                let offset = 0; // offset of the first component

                unsafe {
                    data::f32_f32_f32::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);

                let location = 1; // layout (location = 1)
                let offset = offset + std::mem::size_of::<data::f32_f32_f32>(); // offset of the first component

                unsafe {
                    data::f32_f32_f32::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);

Now, this is amazing. The input for this function is a ast: &syn::DeriveInput type, which can now be inspected to find all the fields on the struct.

The return result of this function is generated with quote macro (more on it soon). So, everything you see between quote! { and } is a macro, which is converted to quote::Tokens type by quote!.

Inside the quote!, we’ve copy-pasted our impl Vertex code as-is.

Now, let’s make sure this code is used from our main function.

Using our Procedural Macro

We can reference our new crate inside our main Cargo.toml:

(Cargo.toml, add the dependency to the [dependencies] section)

lesson_10_render_gl_derive = { path = "render_gl_derive" }

And use it inside the main.rs:

(src/main.rs, add extern crate line)

#[macro_use] extern crate lesson_10_render_gl_derive as render_gl_derive;

(again, I have to do the lesson_10_ prefix dance that you may skip)

Now, we can delete impl Vertex code, and the crate should fail to compile:

84 |         Vertex::vertex_attrib_pointers(&gl);
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function or associated item not found in `Vertex`

But then, if we add #[derive(VertexAttribPointers)] attribute to Vertex struct, it should:

(src/main.rs, modify struct Vertex)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Vertex {
    pos: data::f32_f32_f32,
    clr: data::f32_f32_f32,

Now, we just need to replace the hardcoded implementation with another one that generates different code dependant on the number of fields, their types and attributes. Let’s continue!

Generating the impl based on the Struct Definition

We can “debug” the procedural macro code by panicking. Panic happens at compile-time and is included in error as a help message. For example, we can panic and check the contents of ast: &syn::DeriveInput:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, inside fn generate_impl, example)

panic!("ast = {:#?}", ast);

When we try to compile it, we get this error message:

error: proc-macro derive panicked
  --> lesson-10\src\main.rs:13:10
13 | #[derive(VertexAttribPointers)]
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: message: ast = DeriveInput {
               ident: Ident(
               vis: Inherited,
               attrs: [
                   Attribute {
                       style: Outer,
                       value: List(
                       is_sugared_doc: false
               generics: Generics {
                   lifetimes: [],
                   ty_params: [],
                   where_clause: WhereClause {
                       predicates: []
               body: Struct(
                           Field {
                               ident: Some(
                               vis: Inherited,
                               attrs: [],
                               ty: Path(
                                   Path {
                                       global: false,
                                       segments: [
                                           PathSegment {
                                               ident: Ident(
                                               parameters: AngleBracketed(
                                                   AngleBracketedParameterData {
                                                       lifetimes: [],
                                                       types: [],
                                                       bindings: []
                                           PathSegment {
                                               ident: Ident(
                                               parameters: AngleBracketed(
                                                   AngleBracketedParameterData {
                                                       lifetimes: [],
                                                       types: [],
                                                       bindings: []
                           Field {
                               ident: Some(
                               vis: Inherited,
                               attrs: [],
                               ty: Path(
                                   Path {
                                       global: false,
                                       segments: [
                                           PathSegment {
                                               ident: Ident(
                                               parameters: AngleBracketed(
                                                   AngleBracketedParameterData {
                                                       lifetimes: [],
                                                       types: [],
                                                       bindings: []
                                           PathSegment {
                                               ident: Ident(
                                               parameters: AngleBracketed(
                                                   AngleBracketedParameterData {
                                                       lifetimes: [],
                                                       types: [],
                                                       bindings: []

As you can see, in the ast we have all the information we need about the struct, like its name, its fields, the field types, generic parameters, attributes, lifetimes, and so on.

We can now simply loop over this struct’s fields and build our impl code. For that, we will invoke quote separately for each field and its type, and then combine the results in a single piece of code blob. This documentation might come in handy:

To check if we are generating the right thing, we will panic inside generate_impl function. We start by generating impl Vertex {} code:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, inside generate_impl function)

let ident = &ast.ident;
let generics = &ast.generics;
let where_clause = &ast.generics.where_clause;

panic!("code = {:#?}", quote!{
    impl #ident #generics #where_clause {
        // continue here

This produces “help” error message:

13 | #[derive(VertexAttribPointers)]
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: message: code = Tokens(
               "impl Vertex { }"

To be thorough, we have also included the generics tokens, to generate the correct code if our vertex had any generics (not that we plan any at this point). To see it in effect, we can test it out with these examples:

(src/main.rs, temporary example change to Vertex)

struct Vertex<A, B> {
    pos: A,
    clr: B,


= help: message: code = Tokens(
           "impl Vertex < A , B > { }"

As well as

struct Vertex<A, B: Display> where A: Clone {
    pos: A,
    clr: B,


= help: message: code = Tokens(
           "impl Vertex < A , B : Display > where A : Clone { }"

Of course, the generics and where clauses might be completely unnecessary for our use case, but I have added them for the completeness sake.

Inside the impl block, we can now add the function implementation. The stride calculation will always be the same, so we can add it too. It uses Self keyword which refers to containing struct, so we don’t need to use the #ident here (but we could):

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, inside generate_impl function, continued)

    pub fn vertex_attrib_pointers(gl: &gl::Gl) {
        let stride = std::mem::size_of::<Self>(); // byte offset between consecutive attributes
        let offset = 0;
        // continue here

Next, we will need some repeated macro code for each field. We will generate tokens for each field in a new generate_vertex_attrib_pointer_calls function (which will return a Vec of them), and then assign the return value to fields_vertex_attrib_pointer:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, above panic!("code = {:#?}", quote!{)

let fields_vertex_attrib_pointer 
    = generate_vertex_attrib_pointer_calls(&ast.body);

By consulting the quote macro docs, we can find how to include anything that implements IntoIterator<Item=ToTokens> trait (Vec<quote::Tokens> would) as repeatable code contents:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, continued)


Now, we just need to write generate_vertex_attrib_pointer_calls function following the same technique (by the “same technique” I mean inspecting types with panic calls until we arrive at something reasonable):

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, new function)

fn generate_vertex_attrib_pointer_calls(body: &syn::Body) -> Vec<quote::Tokens> {
    match body {
            => panic!("VertexAttribPointers can not be implemented for enums"),
            =>  panic!("VertexAttribPointers can not be implemented for Unit structs"),
            =>  panic!("VertexAttribPointers can not be implemented for Tuple structs"),
        &syn::Body::Struct(syn::VariantData::Struct(ref s)) => {

Here, we decide not to handle enums, unit structs (with no size), tuple structs (with unpredictable order), just plain structs please.

For that, we will write the actual token generation in generate_struct_field_vertex_attrib_pointer_call call:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, new function)

fn generate_struct_field_vertex_attrib_pointer_call(field: &syn::Field) -> quote::Tokens {
    panic!("field = {:#?}", field)

Here we can continue our “debugging technique” by panicking to check how our field data looks like:

   = help: message: field = Field {
               ident: Some(
               vis: Inherited,
               attrs: [],
               ty: Path(
                   Path {
                       global: false,
                       segments: [
                           PathSegment {
                               ident: Ident(
                               parameters: AngleBracketed(
                                   AngleBracketedParameterData {
                                       lifetimes: [],
                                       types: [],
                                       bindings: []
                           PathSegment {
                               ident: Ident(
                               parameters: AngleBracketed(
                                   AngleBracketedParameterData {
                                       lifetimes: [],
                                       types: [],
                                       bindings: []

The code we plan to generate is this (reordered a bit so that each field is generated in exactly the same way):


let stride = std::mem::size_of::<Self>(); // byte offset between consecutive attributes
let offset = 0; // offset of the first component

let location = 0; // layout (location = 0)
unsafe {
    data::f32_f32_f32::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);
let offset = offset + std::mem::size_of::<data::f32_f32_f32>(); // offset of the second component

let location = 1; // layout (location = 1)
unsafe {
    data::f32_f32_f32::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);
let offset = offset + std::mem::size_of::<data::f32_f32_f32>(); // offset of the third component

The last line is unnecessary, however we can rely on the compiler to optimize this dead code away.

But we have one bit of information missing: location. Of course, we could simply assume that the location always starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 for each field, however this would not be a very flexible design (much worse it can be prone to bugs when adding fields in the middle).

Instead, it would be best if we could specify the location for each field over a custom attribute, like #[location = 0], #[location = 1] and so on.

It is actually really simple to do: in our proc_macro_derive, we simply list location as a possible attribute for our procedural macro:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, change #[proc_macro_derive(VertexAttribPointers, attributes())])

#[proc_macro_derive(VertexAttribPointers, attributes(location))]

And now this attribute is legal to add to our Vertex struct:

(src/main.rs, modify struct Vertex)

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Vertex {
    #[location = 0]
    pos: data::f32_f32_f32,
    #[location = 1]
    clr: data::f32_f32_f32,

Now when we run our panicking implementation again, we can find the attr value inside attrs:

   = help: message: field = Field {
               attrs: [
                   Attribute {
                       style: Outer,
                       value: NameValue(
                       is_sugared_doc: false

In generate_struct_field_vertex_attrib_pointer_call, we can start by requiring location attribute in field.attrs, and printing a reasonable message if it is missing:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, generate_struct_field_vertex_attrib_pointer_call, full)

fn generate_struct_field_vertex_attrib_pointer_call(field: &syn::Field) -> quote::Tokens {
    let field_name = match field.ident {
        Some(ref i) => format!("{}", i),
        None => String::from(""),
    let location_attr = field.attrs
        .filter(|a| a.value.name() == "location")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!(
            "Field {:?} is missing #[location = ?] attribute", field_name
    // continue here

Then, we can extract the integer value literal from it:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, continued)

let location_value_literal = match location_attr.value {
    syn::MetaItem::NameValue(_, ref literal @ syn::Lit::Int(_, _)) => literal,
    _ => panic!("Field {} location attribute value must be an integer literal", field_name)

// continue here

Here we match syn::Lit::Int(_, _), but take Lit token itself out with a literal @subpattern, because it will be directly usable from the quote macro.

Speaking of which:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, continued)

let field_ty = &field.ty;
quote! {
    let location = #location_value_literal;
    unsafe {
        #field_ty::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);
    let offset = offset + std::mem::size_of::<#field_ty>();

All that’s left is removing panic code panic!("code = {:#?}" ...) that surrounds the quote macro from generate_impl function, and we should be good to go!

However, if we try to compile it, we receive this surprising error:

error[E0658]: non-string literals in attributes, or string literals in top-level positions, are experimental (see issue #34981)
  --> lesson-10\src\main.rs:16:5
16 |     #[location = 0]
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Yep, it’s a bit sad, but we will have to use #[location = "0"] until this feature is stabilized. It is easy to rewrite the code a bit to require string literal on our attribute:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, full generate_struct_field_vertex_attrib_pointer_call function)

fn generate_struct_field_vertex_attrib_pointer_call(field: &syn::Field) -> quote::Tokens {
    let field_name = match field.ident {
        Some(ref i) => format!("{}", i),
        None => String::from(""),
    let location_attr = field.attrs
        .filter(|a| a.value.name() == "location")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!(
            "Field {} is missing #[location = ?] attribute", field_name

    let location_value: usize = match location_attr.value {
        syn::MetaItem::NameValue(_, syn::Lit::Str(ref s, _)) => s.parse()
                |_| panic!("Field {} location attribute value must contain an integer", field_name)
        _ => panic!("Field {} location attribute value must be a string literal", field_name)

    let field_ty = &field.ty;
    quote! {
        let location = #location_value;
        unsafe {
            #field_ty::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);
        let offset = offset + std::mem::size_of::<#field_ty>();

And modify our Vertex type:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Vertex {
    #[location = "0"]
    pos: data::f32_f32_f32,
    #[location = "1"]
    clr: data::f32_f32_f32,

With that, our code should finally compile.

Referencing the crates by Full Path

If we tried to move our Vertex type from the crate root (main.rs file) to some submodule, we will find that the generated implementation no longer sees module paths such as std or gl. We need to change them to be absolute.

We nee to change std::mem to ::std::mem and gl::Gl to ::gl::Gl.


The final procedural macro implementation is much shorter than this blog post:

(render_gl_derive/src/lib.rs, full)


extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate syn;
#[macro_use] extern crate quote;

#[proc_macro_derive(VertexAttribPointers, attributes(location))]
pub fn vertex_attrib_pointers_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let s = input.to_string();
    let ast = syn::parse_derive_input(&s).unwrap();
    let gen = generate_impl(&ast);

fn generate_impl(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> quote::Tokens {
    let ident = &ast.ident;
    let generics = &ast.generics;
    let where_clause = &ast.generics.where_clause;
    let fields_vertex_attrib_pointer = generate_vertex_attrib_pointer_calls(&ast.body);

        impl #ident #generics #where_clause {
            pub fn vertex_attrib_pointers(gl: &::gl::Gl) {
                let stride = ::std::mem::size_of::<Self>();
                let offset = 0;


fn generate_vertex_attrib_pointer_calls(body: &syn::Body) -> Vec<quote::Tokens> {
    match body {
        &syn::Body::Enum(_) => panic!("VertexAttribPointers can not be implemented for enums"),
        &syn::Body::Struct(syn::VariantData::Unit) =>  panic!("VertexAttribPointers can not be implemented for Unit structs"),
        &syn::Body::Struct(syn::VariantData::Tuple(_)) =>  panic!("VertexAttribPointers can not be implemented for Tuple structs"),
        &syn::Body::Struct(syn::VariantData::Struct(ref s)) => {

fn generate_struct_field_vertex_attrib_pointer_call(field: &syn::Field) -> quote::Tokens {
    let field_name = match field.ident {
        Some(ref i) => format!("{}", i),
        None => String::from(""),
    let location_attr = field.attrs
        .filter(|a| a.value.name() == "location")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!(
            "Field {} is missing #[location = ?] attribute", field_name

    let location_value: usize = match location_attr.value {
        syn::MetaItem::NameValue(_, syn::Lit::Str(ref s, _)) => s.parse()
                |_| panic!("Field {} location attribute value must contain an integer", field_name)
        _ => panic!("Field {} location attribute value must be a string literal", field_name)

    let field_ty = &field.ty;
    quote! {
        let location = #location_value;
        unsafe {
            #field_ty::vertex_attrib_pointer(gl, stride, location, offset);
        let offset = offset + ::std::mem::size_of::<#field_ty>();

However it requires a bit learning to get there the first time.

But having done this once, we can see how procedural macro can be quite powerful for certain use cases. From now on, extending the code to support additional features such as padding between the fields is quite trivial (hint: make a data type for padding).

We also saw an interesting property of procedural macro: it has no idea if function vertex_attrib_pointer exists on a type, it simply generates the code. The code, of course, would fail to compile if there was no such vertex_attrib_pointer function implemented.

Should we continue using procedural macros? Well, it was possible to avoid them, with a bit more boilerplate. But it is good to know they exist! Yet another tool in our toolbox with its own trade-offs.

Next time, we will implement the remaining 65 OpenGL data types.

Full source code is available on github.