Welcome back!

Previously, we have created our own gl crate, that allows us to control OpenGL API coverage and extensions, as well as see OpenGL function invocations and errors in the debug mode.

This time, we will load shaders from files at start-up. The way we’ve done it previously (embedding them in executable) may be fine for certain cases, but requires program recompilation every time the shader is modified, which slows down the experimentation.


Shaders won’t be the only thing we will need to load. Things like images, fonts, models, audio, configuration will all need to be loaded. This time we will start working on basic CString loader, which can later be extended to load all kinds of things.

The only need we have so far is to load our shader program from the .vert and .frag files.

Let’s go ahead and create a new empty module file named resources.rs in src directory, and then define a reference to it inside of main.rs:

(main.rs, at the top of the file)

pub mod resources;

Usage in main

Inside the resources, we will have Resources struct, which will be our resource loader. At the top of our main.rs, we will initialize it to point to the path of our executable:


use resources::Resources;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let res = Resources::from_relative_exe_path(Path::new("assets-07")).unwrap();

And we should be able to load our shader program from resources instead of source:

let shader_program = render_gl::Program::from_res(
    &gl, &res, "shaders/triangle"

I am suffixing assets path with -07, because the code for different tutorial lessons lives in the same cargo workspace, and the similarly named resources for different lessons can end up in the same directory. So you can certainly skip the -07 suffix in your own project.

We will leave it for Program to take care and find the necessary triangle.vert and triangle.frag variants.

We use .unwrap() liberally in main, because panicking there and terminating the program is reasonable way to handle errors. However, in the deeper module, we should always return Result and leave the decision of how to handle an error to the module user.


Our Resources struct will have function to initialize resources, which might fail. In that case, it may return an error.

Previously with SDL, we used String for error value everywhere. If the only error we are interested in is SDL error, String is a sensible choice, because there is not much more SDL could return.

Using String has few problems though:

  • If an error is expected to happen often and in hot path, String creation would slow the program down, because it requires allocation;
  • It is inconvenient to handle String error - if, say, we want to terminate the program on some errors but not the others, String is absolutely not ideal;
  • The program logic is cluttered with string formatting everywhere!

For these reasons, it’s much better to create a module-local enum and list add possible error cases there as needed. Then, take care of nice error formatting in another place.

Resources Error enum

Inside resources.rs, besides Resources struct with root_path, let’s also add Error enum, which will contain any error this module could return:

(resources.rs, full file)

use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

pub enum Error {

pub struct Resources {
    root_path: PathBuf,

impl Resources {
    pub fn from_relative_exe_path(rel_path: &Path) -> Result<Resources, Error> {
        // continue here

Adding the #[derive(Debug)] attribute auto-implements the Debug trait for Error, for it to be printed with {:?} formatter. When we call .unwrap() and the program panics on such an error, Debug implementation is used to print it to the output.

Then, when we use a function like std::env::current_exe that returns Result, we can change the error returned from there to our Error::FailedToGetExePath with map_err function defined on all Result types:

(resources.rs, continued)

impl Resources {
    pub fn from_relative_exe_path(rel_path: &Path) -> Result<Resources, Error> {
        let exe_file_name = ::std::env::current_exe()
            .map_err(|_| Error::FailedToGetExePath)?;
        // continue here

The ? at the end unwraps the Ok result (so that exe_file_name contains PathBuf), or exits from function with Err(Error::FailedToGetExePath). Note that ? can exit from function only if the error types match!

We got executable file name in exe_file_name - but we need a path to that. We can use .parent() function on Path (PathBuf implements all Path functions):

(resources.rs, continued)

let exe_path = exe_file_name.parent()
// continue here

However, it is possible (though highly unlikely) that exe_file_name has no parent, in that case .parent may return Option, and we need to handle that too. We can change Option to Result with handy ok_or function. In case ok Some(T) value, it will return Ok(T), and we provide Error::FailedToGetExePath to be used if the result was None.

The value returned from ok_or is now changed to Result, and we can again use ? to unwrap the Ok value, or return from the function with the error.

If everything went well up to this point, we can join exe_path with rel_path and return the Resources struct:

(resources.rs, continued)

Ok(Resources {
    root_path: exe_path.join(rel_path)

Loading CString from file

First, let’s add few more use statements:


use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Read};
use std::ffi;

The use io::{self, Read} is a comonly used shorthand for use io and use io::Read, same as:


use std::io;
use std::io::Read;

Then, we will have few more kinds of errors! I know this, because I’ve already written the code. Usually though, we add new error types as they are needed:

(resources.rs, modified)

pub enum Error {

The Error enum Io variant can contain an inner io::Error. File and networking functions usually return io::Result, which has io::Error for error type.

To easily convert from io::Error to our Error, we can implement From trait we were talking about earlier:

(resources.rs, bellow enum Error)

impl From<io::Error> for Error {
    fn from(other: io::Error) -> Self {

Finally, we can add load_cstring function to Resources impl:

(resources.rs, inside impl Resources)

impl Resources {

    pub fn load_cstring(&self, resource_name: &str) -> Result<ffi::CString, Error> {
        let mut file = fs::File::open(

The self.root_path.join(resource_name) extends the path with a file name. However, we will also need to use relative paths, in which we should probably hide platform differences: “shaders/traingle.vert” should work on both Windows and Unix.

For that, we can write a helper function that transforms resource name to full path:

(resources.rs, at the end)

use std::path::Path;

fn resource_name_to_path(root_dir: &Path, location: &str) -> PathBuf {
    let mut path: PathBuf = root_dir.into();

    for part in location.split("/") {
        path = path.join(part);


Inside, we iterate over the chunks of resource name separated by “/”, and then add them to path, which will internally use platform-correct separator.

However, here is an interesting function call: root_dir.into(). What does it do exactly? Turns out, that in the standard library there is an Into trait, which is implemented for ANY type A that has B::from(A). It means that, as long as the from conversion exists on a target, and the target type can be deduced (it can be, because we explicitly specified the type of path to be PathBuf), the .into() can be used to convert between the two (between Path and PathBuf).

Let’s fix-up file-open statement to use this function:

(resources.rs, inside impl Resources)

impl Resources {

    pub fn load_cstring(&self, resource_name: &str) -> Result<ffi::CString, Error> {
        let mut file = fs::File::open(
        // continue here

Rememeber how I’ve said that when using ?, the error type in Result returned from function should match the the error we are handling with ?. Turns out, the ? calls .into() on the error behind the scenes, which uses our From<io::Error> implementation to convert io::Error to our error.

Next up, we allocate Vec of bytes of the file size + 1 byte (for 0 byte at the end), read file contents into it, check that file contents do not contain 0, create CString from it and return it:

// allocate buffer of the same size as file
let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(
    file.metadata()?.len() as usize + 1
file.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;

// check for nul byte
if buffer.iter().find(|i| **i == 0).is_some() {
    return Err(Error::FileContainsNil);

Ok(unsafe { ffi::CString::from_vec_unchecked(buffer) })

We need to dereference **i two times in find, because the i there is double reference. How did we get the double reference there? Well, the iter() function returns iterator over the references, and the closure in find function receives a reference of whatever iterator iterates over.

Using our load_cstring function

Now we can use load_cstring function in our Shader to initialize it from file:

(render_gl.rs, impl Shader)

use resources::Resources;

impl Shader {
    pub fn from_res(gl: &gl::Gl, res: &Resources, name: &str) -> Result<Shader, String> {
        const POSSIBLE_EXT: [(&str, gl::types::GLenum); 2] = [
            (".vert", gl::VERTEX_SHADER),
            (".frag", gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER),

        let shader_kind = POSSIBLE_EXT.iter()
            .find(|&&(file_extension, _)| {
            .map(|&(_, kind)| kind)
            .ok_or_else(|| format!("Can not determine shader type for resource {}", name))?;

        let source = res.load_cstring(name)
            .map_err(|e| format!("Error loading resource {}: {:?}", name, e))?;

        Shader::from_source(gl, &source, shader_kind)



Here we check file extension to determine the shader_kind.

Similarly, we add from_res to shader Program:

(render_gl.rs, impl Program)

impl Program {
    pub fn from_res(gl: &gl::Gl, res: &Resources, name: &str) -> Result<Program, String> {
        const POSSIBLE_EXT: [&str; 2] = [

        let shaders = POSSIBLE_EXT.iter()
            .map(|file_extension| {
                Shader::from_res(gl, res, &format!("{}{}", name, file_extension))
            .collect::<Result<Vec<Shader>, String>>()?;

        Program::from_shaders(gl, &shaders[..])

Here, we require both .vert and .frag files to exist. One interesting note on the collect function: when we have a bunch of Result<T, E> items, such as returned from Shader::from_res, we can collect them into a Result<Vec<T>, E>, which will contain a first encountered error or a list of unwrapped values.

With that done, we can modify our main function to use resource loader:

(main.rs, modified)

// set up shader program

let shader_program = render_gl::Program::from_res(&gl, &res, "shaders/triangle").unwrap();

If we run our program now, we get the error:

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: 
"Error loading resource \"shaders/triangle.vert\": 
Io(Error { repr: Os { code: 3, message: \"The system cannot find the path specified.\" } })"'

Our executable is placed into target/debug, while our shader files are in src.

Build script

We will create a build script that copies our shaders from project asset directory to the build directory.

First, let’s move our shaders from src to assets/shaders - from now on, only the Rust code should be in src.

Then, add a build.rs file with the following code:

(build.rs, complete)

extern crate walkdir;

use std::env;
use std::fs::{self, DirBuilder};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {
    let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
    let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());

    // locate executable path even if the project is in workspace

    let executable_path = locate_target_dir_from_output_dir(&out_dir)
        .expect("failed to find target dir")


fn locate_target_dir_from_output_dir(mut target_dir_search: &Path) -> Option<&Path> {
    loop {
        // if path ends with "target", we assume this is correct dir
        if target_dir_search.ends_with("target") {
            return Some(target_dir_search);

        // otherwise, keep going up in tree until we find "target" dir
        target_dir_search = match target_dir_search.parent() {
            Some(path) => path,
            None => break,


fn copy(from: &Path, to: &Path) {
    let from_path: PathBuf = from.into();
    let to_path: PathBuf = to.into();
    for entry in WalkDir::new(from_path.clone()) {
        let entry = entry.unwrap();

        if let Ok(rel_path) = entry.path().strip_prefix(&from_path) {
            let target_path = to_path.join(rel_path);

            if entry.file_type().is_dir() {
                    .create(target_path).expect("failed to create target dir");
            } else {
                fs::copy(entry.path(), &target_path).expect("failed to copy");

The important bit is copy function, that copies our shader assets:


    &executable_path.join("assets-07"), // -07 avoiding conflicts between tutorial lessons

Our copy function copies files recursively using walkdir crate, so let’s add walkdir to our crate dependencies:

(Cargo.toml, incomplete)

walkdir = "2.1"

This does the trick, and we see our triangle again!

This, of course, still requires re-compilation for build script to copy files, but we can also run the program directly from /target directory and modify the shader files there.

Shader Errors

For initial simplicity, we have not created another Error type for shader, and used simple String instead. Let’s change String to module-local enum too, in the same way we’ve done this for Resources. Then we can change result returned from from_res functions to Result<Program, Error>.

Before copy-pasting the final source, see if you can do it yourself.

In my case, final Error structure ended up looking like this:

pub enum Error {
    ResourceLoad { name: String, inner: resources::Error },
    CanNotDetermineShaderTypeForResource { name: String },
    CompileError { name: String, message: String },
    LinkError { name: String, message: String },

I decided to include additional name information in the ResourceLoad error, therefore I have’t used the automatic error conversion with From<resource::Error> here.

The full code is available on github.

Next time, we will make our error output look much nicer.