Welcome back!

Previously, we have rendered a colored triangle to the window.

Our program was a mixed bag of decent shader compiler code and the error-prone VBO buffer and VAO layout handling mess.

Before getting deep into improving this situation, we are going to step back a bit and improve the way we load and use OpenGL. We will create our own project-specific gl crate.

This will allow us:

  • To ensure gl context functions invoked from the thread they were created from;
  • Enable debug checks for all gl function calls;
  • Have control of enabled OpenGL extensions;
  • Have control of supported API level, i.e. remove new OpenGL functions that we are not using.

Build script

The entire implementation of gl crate is this:

(src/lib.rs in gl crate)

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bindings.rs"));

Crate code is included from this mysterious bindings.rs file.

The code in bindings.rs is auto-generated in a build script, which is in the crate’s root directory. We have discussed that this was happening previously, but now we are going to really dig into it. Let’s take a look at the build script’s code:

(build.rs in gl crate)

extern crate gl_generator;

use gl_generator::{Registry, Fallbacks, GlobalGenerator, Api, Profile};
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let mut file = File::create(&Path::new(&out_dir).join("bindings.rs")).unwrap();

    Registry::new(Api::Gl, (4, 5), Profile::Core, Fallbacks::All, [])
        .write_bindings(GlobalGenerator, &mut file)

Build scripts allow the crate authors to include code that is executed before the build by the cargo.

When running the build script, cargo pass various useful environment variables, such as OUT_DIR. The OUT_DIR points to build directory, where the script writes generated bindings.rs code.

Then, the contents of this file are included in src/lib.rs by referencing the same environment variable OUT_DIR.

Our own gl crate

Let’s create a new project-specific gl crate, which won’t be published to crates.io.

(in project root)

> mkdir lib
> cd lib
> cargo new --vcs none --lib gl

--vcs none will disable .git for this library, because it will be using our project’s VCS (if any). --lib will create a library crate.

I had this structure in mind:


You may pick other name than /lib in your project, it’s completely arbitrary.

Now we simply copy-paste the setup from original gl project, making changes that suits our project.

We write the same brief code in lib.rs:


include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bindings.rs"));

Add [build-dependencies] section (which is used for build-script) with gl-generator dependency (expect the relative path thing):

(lib/gl/Cargo.toml, incomplete)

gl_generator = { version = "0.9.0" }

This can be simplified to:

(lib/gl/Cargo.toml, incomplete)

gl_generator = "0.9.0"

And we add modified build script:

(lib/gl/build.rs, incomplete)

extern crate gl_generator;

use gl_generator::{Registry, Fallbacks, StructGenerator, Api, Profile};
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let mut file_gl = File::create(&Path::new(&out_dir).join("bindings.rs")).unwrap();

    Registry::new(Api::Gl, (4, 5), Profile::Core, Fallbacks::All, [
        "GL_NV_command_list", // additional extension we want to use
            StructGenerator, // different generator
            &mut file_gl

As an example we can include some extension, like “GL_NV_command_list”, and we use different StructGenerator instead of GlobalGenerator.

Fixing up our project

In our project dependencies, we can point gl to our new gl crate:

(Cargo.toml, incomplete)

gl = { path = "lib/gl" }

When we now try to compile our project, we get bunch of errors. This happens because with StructGenerator OpenGL methods are not global, but members of a struct gl::Gl, which we should probably now use everywhere.

First attempt: hello, lifetime specifier

However, if we tried to use a reference to gl::Gl in our Program struct, we would quickly encounter few issues:

(example, wait, don’t do this)

impl Program {
    pub fn from_shaders(gl: &gl::Gl, shaders: &[Shader]) -> Result<Program, String> {
        // use "." instead of "::"
        let program_id = unsafe { gl.CreateProgram() }; 

We would be able to do this in “from_shaders” function, however, drop function can not have any additional parameters:

(example, wait, don’t do this)

impl Drop for Program {
    fn drop(&mut self) { // "Drop" will only have "&mut self" parameter
        unsafe {
            // no "gl" here!

First idea, especially if we are new to Rust, would be to store &Gl in Program struct, so that we can access it from drop:

(example, wait, don’t do this, but you may try)

pub struct Program {
    gl: &gl::Gl,
    id: gl::types::GLuint,


impl Drop for Program {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

Then, Rust would inform us that we don’t have lifetime specifier:

error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
 --> src\render_gl.rs:6:9
6 |     gl: &gl::Gl,
  |         ^ expected lifetime parameter

Then we may add the requested specifier to the Program:

(example, wait, don’t do this, but you may try)

pub struct Program<'a> {
    gl: &'a gl::Gl,
    id: gl::types::GLuint,

After adding lifetime specifier to multiple other places, we will realize that while it works, Program<'a> is very inflexible to use. If we tried, as an example, to include Program<'a> in another Struct, that struct would also need to gain a lifetime specifier Struct<'a>. Consider briefly, that our Program won’t be the only thing to use Gl, and if all the things required lifetime specifiers, we would have a very bad time.

Lifetime is inconvenient thing to use in this case. Lifetime specifier 'a on a struct means that it contains a pointer to some memory location, and while this struct is in use, this memory location can not be:

  • Moved
  • Modified
  • Deallocated

The lifetime specifier would make much more sense on something like iterator, where we would need to ensure that the original data we are iterating over is not modified, because our iterator has pointers to it.

Ah, you might say, but objects are pointers! Yes, but in other languages pointers usually point to heap, while Rust’s references can point to both! Rust’s references are nothing like objects in Java-like languages, they are pointers to a memory location. And Rust ensures they are valid at compile time.

Second attempt: manual de-init

Ok, ok, we give up. What if we do not store &Gl in a Program, but add a manual deinit function, where we can pass the &Gl argument?


impl Drop for Program {
    fn deinit(&mut self, gl: &gl::Gl) {
        unsafe {

Of course, we would need to call this deinit manually:


Not a big problem, right?

It is certainly possible to go this way, and go quite a long way before it becomes annoying. However, if we follow this pattern, every thing will get its init and deinit functions, which we will have to always remember to call, sometimes in correct other, and sometimes with a boolean check. For example, in a hypothetical terrains renderer (which I might have written), or in some hypothetical future tutorial (which I do not promise to write), we might see this:

impl Terrains {
    pub fn init(&mut self, gl: &Gl) {
        if self.debug {
    pub fn deinit(&mut self, gl: &Gl) {
        if self.debug {

It might work. That’s all I can say about this approach.

Almost final attempt: ownership

What if, instead of storing a pointer (yes, it is better to think of references as pointers) in a Program (and later Shader) structs, we put a value there?

(let’s do this! in render_gl.rs)

pub struct Program {
    gl: gl::Gl,
    id: gl::types::GLuint,

By placing a value in a struct in Rust, we express the intention for that value to be deleted togeter with a parent struct.

But we may not want Gl to be deleted, right? Yes, but Gl can be cloned:


let gl2 = gl.clone();

Gl implements Clone trait, which performs a deep copy of gl value. When we create our shaders and program, we can pass clone of it everywhere:

(main.rs, modified)

let vert_shader = render_gl::Shader::from_vert_source(
    gl.clone(), &CString::new(include_str!("triangle.vert")).unwrap()

let frag_shader = render_gl::Shader::from_frag_source(
    gl.clone(), &CString::new(include_str!("triangle.frag")).unwrap()

let shader_program = render_gl::Program::from_shaders(
    gl.clone(), &[vert_shader, frag_shader]

Let’s roll with it for now, and also add it to Shader struct:

(render_gl.rs, modified)

pub struct Shader {
    gl: gl::Gl,
    id: gl::types::GLuint,

Modify constructor methods and implementations:

(render_gl.rs, modified)

impl Program {
    pub fn from_shaders(gl: gl::Gl, shaders: &[Shader]) -> Result<Program, String> {
        let program_id = unsafe { gl.CreateProgram() };
        Ok(Program { gl, id: program_id })

A standalone method such as shader_from_source that we have written previously does not need full ownership of gl, a reference will suffice:

(render_gl.rs, modified)

fn shader_from_source(
    gl: &gl::Gl, // a reference to gl
    source: &CStr,
    kind: gl::types::GLenum
) -> Result<gl::types::GLuint, String> {

In main.rs, we will need to use new Gl constructor to initialize gl:

let gl = gl::Gl::load_with(|s| video_subsystem.gl_get_proc_address(s) as *const std::os::raw::c_void);

When we do all these replacements, the program should compile and run.

Final version: shared gl reference

We are doing a deep copy of Gl struct. How big is it exactly?

println!("size of Gl: {}", std::mem::size_of_val(&gl));
size of Gl: 11392

Oops, 11KB deep cloning sounds a bit worrisome. We can put the gl struct behind a reference-counted pointer, by wrapping it in Rc<Gl> type:


use std::rc::Rc;
let gl = Rc::new(
    gl::Gl::load_with(|s| video_subsystem.gl_get_proc_address(s) as *const std::os::raw::c_void)

But then, every place we use Gl would suddenly need the type Rc<Gl>, which is annoying. It would be great if Gl was already reference counted inside, then we could clone it cheaply. If only we had an access to the gl crate, we could change what Gl is… wait.

Customised gl crate

In our gl crate, we can put generated bindings inside a private bindings module:

(rewrite lib/gl/src/lib.rs)

mod bindings {
    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bindings.rs"));

// continue here

Let’s export all the types in bindings:

pub use bindings::*;

// continue here

Then, add Gl struct with original reference-counted Gl inside. The #[derive(Clone)] will will implement Clone trait, which will deep clone everything inside. Except, cloning of Rc only increases its reference-count, while it keeps pointing to the same data. The data is destroyed only when all Rc instances are deallocated and the shared reference-count reaches zero:

use std::rc::Rc;

pub struct Gl {
    inner: Rc<bindings::Gl>,

// continue here

To initialize our Gl, forward load_with constructor, which will create original Gl, but then wrap it in Rc:

impl Gl {
    pub fn load_with<F>(loadfn: F) -> Gl
        where F: FnMut(&'static str) -> *const types::GLvoid
        Gl {
            inner: Rc::new(bindings::Gl::load_with(loadfn))

// continue here

We would not want to use gl.inner everywhere to access wrapped value, but there is a mechanism in rust to forward calls to inner implementation, which is perfect for this use case:

impl Deref for Gl {
    type Target = bindings::Gl;

    fn deref(&self) -> &bindings::Gl {

This is the exact same mechanism that forwards &str or [T] slice functions to String or Vec<T>.

With that, everything should magically compile now! If we check the size of Gl now…

println!("size of Gl: {}", std::mem::size_of_val(&gl));
size of Gl: 8

8 bytes! It’s a pointer, finally!

You may recognise that we have not done anything too exceptional here: for example, many structs in Rust’s sdl crate wrap reference-counted implementations inside.

Some cleanup

Our methods now clone gl at the call site:


let shader_program = render_gl::Program::from_shaders(
    gl.clone(), // cloned at the call site
    &[vert_shader, frag_shader]

Instead, it is a bit more clean to pass a reference, and leave the decision to clone to the implementation:

(main.rs, modify method calls)

let shader_program = render_gl::Program::from_shaders(
    &gl, // pass reference
    &[vert_shader, frag_shader]

And then modify constructors for Shader and Program:

(render_gl.rs, Program modification sample)

impl Program {
    pub fn from_shaders(gl: &gl::Gl, shaders: &[Shader]) -> Result<Program, String> {

        Ok(Program { gl: gl.clone(), id: program_id })

// same with Shader


Documentation for your own gl crate can be generated in the usual way:

cargo doc -p gl --no-deps --open

However, now we can’t see the full function list, because the original Gl became private. We can re-export it with different name to remedy the situation:


pub use bindings::Gl as InnerGl;

It’s a bit unfortunate though that Gl and bindings::Gl causes some documentation conflicts.

Debug Struct Generator

Besides the StructGenerator, gl_generator crate also contains DebugStructGenerator, which generates implementation that issues error checks after every OpenGL call.

Let’s extend our gl crate to have debug feature, which, when enabled, will compile gl crate using DebugStructGenerator.

First, add a new feature to Cargo.toml:

(lib/gl/Cargo.toml, incomplete)

debug = []

In our main Cargo.toml, we can re-export debug feature from gl, so that when the debug is enabled for the main project, child gl project is also compiled in debug mode:


gl_debug = ["gl/debug"]

Compiling crate with cargo run --features "gl_debug" will enable this feature for the project. Note that cargo run --release flag is completely different thing (it enables optimizations), which is what we want. We may need to compile project in release mode but with OpenGL error checks enabled.

Right, but now we need to actually use this debug feature in a build script.

Cargo documentation says that our feature is enabled if CARGO_FEATURE_<name> environment variable is set.

Let’s modify gl build script:

(lib/gl/build.rs, full)

extern crate gl_generator;

use gl_generator::{Registry, Fallbacks, StructGenerator, DebugStructGenerator, Api, Profile};
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let mut file_gl = File::create(&Path::new(&out_dir).join("bindings.rs")).unwrap();

    let registry = Registry::new(Api::Gl, (4, 5), Profile::Core, Fallbacks::All, [

    if env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_DEBUG").is_ok() {
            &mut file_gl
    } else {
            &mut file_gl

Let’s make a mistake in our program. What would happen, if instead of binding to vbo variable, we bind to a number 42?

(main.rs, test)

gl.BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 42);


[OpenGL] BindBuffer(34962, 42)
[OpenGL] ^ GL error triggered: 1282

Well, I guess it’s better than nothing!


One small thing - my IDE offers no autocomplete for the generated code. However, it is easy to get it by copy-pasting whole auto-generated bindings.rs from /target/debug/gl-... to mod bindings namespace. IntelliJ can then even display proper documentation annotations.


Arguments for using a custom generator are not strong. In the majority of cases, global gl functions would do the job just fine. However, it is good to know this option is available if needed.

The code is available on github.

From now on, we will continue using this custom gl crate.

Next time, we will load shaders from files instead of embedding them as strings in the executable.