Welcome back!

Previously, we have compiled some shaders and linked a shader program, and created some nice safe abstractions for both.

This time, we will send vertices to graphics pipeline, so that our shaders can transform them into pixels.

To avoid repeating the same things other OpenGL tutorials already teach, we are following learnopengl.com lessons, and we are now at Hello Triangle page.

Sending triangle data to graphics driver

Before running the 'main loop, initialize vector with vertices for our triangle:

(main.rs, before main loop)

let vertices: Vec<f32> = vec![
    -0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
    0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.5, 0.0

// continue here

Then, request OpenGL to give us one buffer name (as integer), and write it into Vertex Buffer Object (vbo) variable:

(main.rs, continued)

let mut vbo: gl::types::GLuint = 0;
unsafe {
    gl::GenBuffers(1, &mut vbo);

// continue here

For GenBuffers, we have to provide a pointer to array which it will overwrite with a new value. Rust references (&mut and &) are pointers, so we can simply pass them along. We must, of course, limit the number of buffers to 1 so it does not overwrite unknown memory nearby. That would be bad. This unsafe block means something.

Then, we can upload data to buffer by binding it and calling gl::BufferData, very much like in C:

(main.rs, continued)

unsafe {
    gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
        gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, // target
        (vertices.len() * std::mem::size_of::<f32>()) as gl::types::GLsizeiptr, // size of data in bytes
        vertices.as_ptr() as *const gl::types::GLvoid, // pointer to data
        gl::STATIC_DRAW, // usage
    gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // unbind the buffer

// continue here

Let’s go over BufferData arguments:

  • Target specifies buffer type, pretty much like in C
  • We obtain size of data in bytes by taking size of f32 (std::mem::size_of::<f32>()), multiplying it by number of items in vector (vertices.len()), and then casting it to whatever integer is gl::types::GLsizeiptr, because Rust requires explicit integer casts.
  • We get pointer void pointer to data by using .as_ptr() function, but it would return us correct *const f32 pointer, while OpenGL needs *const GLvoid. We perform explicit cast here.
  • We set gl::STATIC_DRAW usage hint, pretty much like in C

I suggest docs.gl site for OpenGL documentation. For example, glBufferData function page contains comprehensive documentation with examples and information about supported OpenGL versions. Very useful.

At the end we unbind the buffer with glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) call. This will make it easier to learn what needs to be bound to perform various actions.

Data layout

To tell OpenGL about the data in our vertices, we need to create Vertex Array Object (VAO).

It is going to describe how to interpret the data in vertices and convert it to inputs for our vertex shader. In our case, our vertex shader has a single input, with an attribute location set to 0 (this is what location = 0 does). It expects vec3, which is 3 f32 values in a sequence.

First, create the VAO:

(main.rs, before loop, continued)

let mut vao: gl::types::GLuint = 0;
unsafe {
    gl::GenVertexArrays(1, &mut vao);

// continue here

Then, make it current by binding it:


unsafe {
    // continue here

To configure the relation between VAO and VBO, we also need to bind the VBO. Later, when we draw the triangle, we will only need to bind the VAO. This re-binding of VBO may be wasteful, but it makes it clear that we actually need VBO at at this step:

    gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
    // continue here

And then specify the data layout for attribute 0:


    gl::EnableVertexAttribArray(0); // this is "layout (location = 0)" in vertex shader
        0, // index of the generic vertex attribute ("layout (location = 0)")
        3, // the number of components per generic vertex attribute
        gl::FLOAT, // data type
        gl::FALSE, // normalized (int-to-float conversion)
        (3 * std::mem::size_of::<f32>()) as gl::types::GLint, // stride (byte offset between consecutive attributes)
        std::ptr::null() // offset of the first component
    // continue here

And then unbind both VBO and VAO, for the reasons explained earlier:


    gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);


To draw our 3 vertices, we need to switch to our shader, bind the VAO, and issue the draw call:

(main.rs, in loop)

unsafe {
        gl::TRIANGLES, // mode
        0, // starting index in the enabled arrays
        3 // number of indices to be rendered

And if everything went smoothly, we should finally see the result:


But if you have seen “classic” OpenGL tutorial traingle, you might rememeber each corner to have different color. This will be the subject of the next post.

As always, the code for this part is available on github.