Well, either that, or just another way to learn associated types.

Type system in Rust is interesting.

Pushing adds a new element to a list. Let’s say we define such trait Push:

trait Push<X> {
    type Next;
    fn push(self, other: X) -> Self::Next;

Let’s go over this quickly.

The trait Push is generic over the type X. The X type will be provided at the location where the trait Push is used.

The type Next is another generic type. However, the difference from X is that Next will be provided by trait implementation.

An implementation is also required to provide a fn push method. We know it is a member method of some instance from the keyword argument self. And because it is bare self (not &self), it is going to consume or take ownership of the instance when called.

The fn push requires one argument of the type of X and returns whatever type is associated over Self::Next as a result.


Calling push is going to combine input of Self with another type of X and return output type of Self::Next as a result.

List? Or what?

So, where is our list? Well, this blog post is titled Zero-Cost, so there isn’t any.

But we can implement Push for any other type, and it will look like we are working with list, while in fact everything is known at compile-time and is kept in stack (or optimized away).

Besides Push, we will see how to implement Pop and iterate over the thing.

You may have already guessed that the type of this “list” is going to be obnoxious. But, we are brave, right?

Implementing Push

We can think of () type (also known as unit type or empty tuple) as a list of no size. Implementing Push for it is quite easy:

impl<X> Push<X> for () {
    type Next = (X,);

    fn push(self, other: X) -> Self::Next {

Here, we provide the concrete types for everything, except for X.

The X we are going to push will remain unknown. In other words, implementation remains generic for any X, and that’s what impl<X> is saying.

We fix the target type to empty tuple with impl .. for ().

We specify that the Next type is going to be another tuple of single element X. We need to use funny comma in (X,), to disambiguate it from type in parenthesis (X), which otherwise would be resolved to the plain X.

In push implementation we put other value into a single-element tuple (other,) and return it.

Tuple of Two

Similarly, we can implement Push for a tuple of one element. Predictably, the result is going to be a tuple of two elements:

impl<T1, X> Push<X> for (T1,) {
    type Next = (T1, X);

    fn push(self, other: X) -> Self::Next {
        (self.0, other)

Here the self.0 is a syntax for taking first argument (which is zero) from tuple.

How does it look?

We can now write this little code (the Push trait has to be in scope):

fn main() {
    let items = ()

    println!("{:#?}", items);

The {:#?} is funny little placeholder for pretty-printing the value for debugging.

We get this output:

$ cargo run
   Compiling types v0.1.0 (file:///Users/nercury/fun/types)
     Running `target/debug/types`

That’s a tuple allright. Let’s call push one more time:

    let items = ()

    println!("{:#?}", items);


26:17 error: no method named `push` found for type `(_, bool)` in the current
26:17 help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and
in scope; the following trait defines an item `push`, perhaps you need to
implement it:
26:17 help: candidate #1: `Push`

Rust is telling us that we can keep on going by implementing Push for (T1, T2), then for (T1, T2, T3), and then for (T1, T2, T3, T4) and so on.

Indeed, we can do it. We can write a macro that expands into these implementations for us.

Or we can wait, maybe Rust will have variadic generics one day.

What else can we do?

List of Unlimited Size

Well, we can represent list as “an element” called Head and “all other elements”, called Tail. So, when we add new item, it becomes new Head, and previous head becomes part of Tail. This is common sequence representation in functional languages.

However, here we will continue extending previously defined implementations, just to show that we don’t need to follow exact rules.

The chains

First, let’s imagine what should happen when we push one more element for (T1, T2):

Adding T3 to (T1, T2)

And then another T4 to ((T1, T2), (T3,)):

Adding T4 to ((T1, T2), (T3,))

And then another T5 to ((T1, T2), (T3, T4)):

Adding T4 to ((T1, T2), (T3, T4))

Aaaaaaaand… we are done! Because the implementation for these:

((T1, T2), (T3,)).push(T4)
(((T1, T2), (T3, T4)), (T5,)).push(T6)

Will be generic no matter what Tail there is:

(Tail, (T3,)).push(T4)
(Tail, (T5,)).push(T6)

Chain Tree Implementation

However, we can’t continue to use tuples for representing the chain. We already used them to mean “a sequence of items”, and here we want to build a tree of them.

But we can define a new type for this chain, so that compiler treats it as a new type and lets us provide different Push for it:

#[derive(Debug)] // makes this pretty printable
struct Chain<T>(T);

Then, the addition of T3 to (T1, T2) will look thus:

impl<T1, T2, X> Push<X> for (T1, T2) {
    type Next = Chain<((T1, T2), (X,))>;

    fn push(self, other: X) -> Self::Next {

Addition of T4 to Chain((T1, T2), (T3,)) will look like this:

impl<TailT, H1, X> Push<X> for Chain<(TailT, (H1,))> {
    type Next = Chain<(TailT, Chain<(H1, X)>)>;

    fn push(self, other: X) -> Self::Next {
        let Chain(value) = self;
        let head = value.1;
            Chain((head.0, other)),

Note how here we no longer care what’s in the Tail. We just move it from the previous chain to the new one.

Also we wrap the second element in the Chain, because it is full and we need to pick it up in next implementation based on this.

And then, finally, let’s implement addition of T5 to Chain(_, Chain(_)), where _ means “whatever”:

impl<C1, C2, X> Push<X> for Chain<(C1, Chain<C2>)> {
    type Next = Chain<(Chain<(C1, Chain<C2>)>, (X,))>;

    fn push(self, other: X) -> Self::Next {

Here, when we have two formed chains, everything inside self becomes a new Tail, and we return a chain of this new Tail and a new Head X.

Using This new Chain

Let’s see how adding one more element works now:

    let items = ()

    println!("{:#?}", items);



And another:

    let items = ()

    println!("{:#?}", items);



Is it unlimited?

    let items = ()

    println!("{:#?}", items);

Indeed it is:


Some readers may know or have noticed what everything could be implemented as simple Head - Tail tree. The problem with that, however, is that debugging or printing such type would be even more awkward. Here, we could make the chain contents bigger (let’s say tuple of 12), and resort to Chain tree only when contents exceed certain size.

Implementing Pop

Let’s first define a trait for it:

trait Pop<X> {
    type Next;
    fn pop(self) -> (X, Self::Next);

Removing element from this list requires modification of list type, so the simple &mut self won’t work here. So, we return a tuple with the removed element and the remaining Tail of a new type.

Now, let’s implement it for all the types we have. Work is similar to Push, but backwards:

impl<Tail, H1, X> Pop<X> for Chain<(Tail, Chain<(H1, X)>)> {
    type Next = Chain<(Tail, (H1,))>;

    fn pop(self) -> (X, Self::Next) {
        let Chain(value) = self;
        let Chain(head) = value.1;
        (head.1, Chain((value.0, (head.0,))))

impl<Tail, X> Pop<X> for Chain<(Tail, (X,))> {
    type Next = Tail;

    fn pop(self) -> (X, Self::Next) {
        let Chain(value) = self;
        let tail = value.0;
        let head = value.1;
        (head.0, tail)

impl<T1, X> Pop<X> for (T1, X) {
    type Next = (T1,);

    fn pop(self) -> (X, Self::Next) {
        (self.1, (self.0,))

impl<X> Pop<X> for (X,) {
    type Next = ();

    fn pop(self) -> (X, Self::Next) {
        (self.0, ())

Let’s check it out:

fn main() {
    let items = ()

    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);
    let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);



However, if we call pop just one more time:

$ cargo run
   Compiling types v0.1.0 (file:///Users/nercury/fun/types)
129:37 error: no method named `pop` found for type `()` in the current scope
let (value, items) = items.pop(); println!("{:?}", value);

Which brings home the fact that all of this is just type system trick.

Passing Around this Scary Type

Let’s say, for some reason, somewhere, this is worth the effort.

However, no one is going to pass around such types. Well, at least not without some help from type system. Question is, can it provide enough help?

For example, if we have a some other methods that add items to our list, we don’t even want to know the input type. We just want something that can be Pushed to, modify input object, and return resulting output. However, the output type depends directly on input. It would be great if we could abstract over it somehow, so that we could provide only added types.

Well, let’s do exactly that. First, create a trait that we will abuse to figure out the output based on input:

trait AddTo<Input> {
    type Output;

    fn add_to(self, list: Input) -> Self::Output;

Let’s say we have some structure that contains the items that we want to add to our list:

#[derive(Copy, Clone)] // tells rust this type is primitive and can be copied
struct Data {
    a: bool,
    b: i32,

Then we can implement addition like this:

impl<Input, T2, Final> AddTo<Input> for Data
        Input: Push<bool, Next=T2>,
        T2: Push<i32, Next=Final>,
    type Output = Final;

    fn add_to(self, list: Input) -> Self::Output {

Here, we say that input should be Push that has Next element equal to T2, and T2 should be Push that has the next element equal to Final. Then we say that the Output = Final, and everything clicks into place.

Let’s see how it works:

fn main() {
    let items = ();

    let mut data = Data {
        a: true,
        b: 42,

    // add items from data
    let items = data.add_to(items);

    // add another unrelated item
    let items = items.push("and");

    // modify data and add items from data once more
    data.a = false;
    let items = data.add_to(items);

    println!("{:#?}", items);

When we print the result, we get the expected sequence:


Iterating over the Items

Iterators usually require all items to be of the same type. Here, the types are different, so the only way to iterate is to do some work while iterating, so that end result erases all the type differences.

For that, we will implement a simple reduce with an abstract visitor.

In other words, for every type we will provide a bit of code (visitor), that does some work with the value of that type and accumulates the result into the output that is the same type for all elements.

Here is the trait for visitor:

trait Visit<A> {
    fn visit(self, acc: A) -> A;

Let’s implement it for all our list types. Here, we require that contained types also implement Visit, and forward work to them:

impl<A, T1> Visit<A> for (T1,)
    where T1: Visit<A>
    fn visit(self, acc: A) -> A {

impl<A, T1, T2> Visit<A> for (T1, T2)
        T1: Visit<A>,
        T2: Visit<A>
    fn visit(self, acc: A) -> A {
        let acc = self.0.visit(acc);

impl<A, T1, T2> Visit<A> for Chain<(T1, T2)>
        T1: Visit<A>,
        T2: Visit<A>
    fn visit(self, acc: A) -> A {
        let Chain(value) = self;
        let acc = value.0.visit(acc);

Collecting the Accumulated Result

Suppose we want every value to append a textual representation of itself to a single output string.

Let’s define a type for it, which will be our accumulator:

struct Text(String);

Then, we need to implement Visit for every type that we ever added to our list:

impl Visit<Text> for bool {
    fn visit(self, Text (mut s): Text) -> Text {
        match self {
            true => s.push_str("<true>"),
            false => s.push_str("<false>"),

impl Visit<Text> for i32 {
    fn visit(self, Text (mut s): Text) -> Text {
        s.push_str(&format!("<i32 value {}>", self));

impl<'a> Visit<Text> for &'a str {
    fn visit(self, Text (mut s): Text) -> Text {
        s.push_str(&format!("<{}>", self));

And call the visit:

println!("{:#?}", items.visit(Text(String::new())));


    "<true><i32 value 42><and><false><i32 value 42>"

How cool is that? This actually looks reasonable!

So, what’s not reasonable?

Type Errors

Let’s say, in above example we forget to implement Visit for str. We get this error:

204:55 error: no method named `visit` found for type
`Chain<(Chain<((bool, i32), Chain<(&str, bool)>)>, (i32,))>`
in the current scope
println!("{:#?}", items.visit(Text(String::new())));

This was not really helpful. However, it was kind of expected…


It is a bit doubtful that this kind of generic list would be actually worth it, simply because the type of it is going to remain horrendous.

However, in some cases this can provide a type-checked mixed-type execution sequences. And I am guessing that they may be as fast as writing these sequence actions by hand.