Updated for Rust 1.0.

This guide is for a reader who knows basic syntax and building blocks of Rust but does not quite grasp how the ownership works.

We will start very simple, and then will gradually increase complexity at a slow pace, exploring and discussing every new bit of detail. This guide will assume a very basic familiarity with let, fn, struct, trait and impl constructs.

Our goal is to learn how to write a new Rust program and not hit any walls related to ownership.

Prerequisites - What you already know

Scope/stack based memory management is quite intuitive, because we are very familiar with it.

What happens to i at the end of the main function?

fn main() {
    let i = 5;

It goes out of scope and dies, right?

If we pass this i to another function foo, how many times will it “die”?

fn main() {
    let i = 5;
    foo(i); // call function foo

fn foo(i: i64) { // another function foo
    // something

Well, it will “die” twice. First, at the end of foo, and then at the end of main. If you modify it in foo, it will not affect the value in main.

The value gets copied at the call of foo(i).

In Rust, like in C++ (and some other languages), it is possible to use your own type instead of integer. The value will be allocated on current stack and it will be destroyed (the destructor will be called) when it goes out of scope.

However, the Rust compiler follows different ownership rules, unless type implements a Copy trait. Therefore we need to talk about the Copy trait first, and get it out of the way.

Copy Trait

The Copy trait makes your type to behave in a very familiar way: the bits will be copied to another location when assigned, or when used as a function argument. Exactly like a built-in integer.

For example, this simple struct will be copy-able by default:

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Info {
    value: i64,

Note that we had to tell the compiler that it is Copy - otherwise it would always be moved to another location and would follow the ownership rules.

But we are actually interested in ownership, so from now on we will concentrate on non-Copy types!


Ownership rules ensure, that at any point, for a single non-copyable value, there is only one owner that can change it.

Therefore, if a function is responsible for deleting this value, it can be sure that there are no other users that will try to access, change or delete it in future.

Let’s see some examples!

Say hello to Bob, our brave new dummy structure

To demonstrate how the data is moving around, we will create a new struct and call it Bob.

struct Bob {
    name: String,

In Bob constructor new, we will announce that it was created:

impl Bob {
    fn new(name: &str) -> Bob {
        println!("new bob {:?}", name); // announce
        Bob { name: name.to_string() }

When Bob gets destroyed (sorry, Bob!), we will print its name by implementing built-in Drop::drop trait method:

impl Drop for Bob {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("del bob {:?}", self.name);

And to make bob value format-able when outputing to console, we will implement the built-in Debug::fmt trait method:

use std::fmt;

impl fmt::Debug for Bob {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "bob {:?}", self.name)

Let’s put it to the Test!

When we create Bob in the main function, we get a predictable result:

fn main() {
new bob "A"
del bob "A"

OK, it got deleted somehow - but when exactly?

Let’s insert a “print” statement at the end of function:

fn main() {
    println!("end is near");
new bob "A"
del bob "A"
end is near

It was deleted before the end of function. The return value was not assigned to anything, so the compiler called our drop and destroyed the value right there.

What if we bind the returned value to a variable?

fn main() {
    let bob = Bob::new("A");
    println!("end is near");
new bob "A"
end is near
del bob "A"

With let, it was deleted at the end of function - at the end of variable scope. So the compiler simply destroys bound values at the end of their scope.

Destroyed Unless Moved

There is a catch though - the values can be moved somewhere else - and if they get moved, they won’t get destroyed!

How to move them? Well, simply pass them as values to another function.

Let’s pass our bob value to a function named black_hole:

fn black_hole(bob: Bob) {
    println!("imminent shrinkage {:?}", bob);

fn main() {
    let bob = Bob::new("A");
    println!("end is near");
new bob "A"
imminent shrinkage bob "A"
del bob "A"
end is near

Try it yourself!

It got destroyed in the black hole, and not at the end of main!

But wait… What happens if we try to send Bob to the black hole twice?

fn main() {
    let bob = Bob::new("A");
<anon>:33:16: 33:19 error: use of moved value: `bob`
<anon>:33     black_hole(bob);
<anon>:32:16: 32:19 note: `bob` moved here because it has type `Bob`, which is non-copyable
<anon>:32     black_hole(bob);

Simple! Compiler makes sure that we can not use moved values, and explains nicely what happened.

There is no Magic - just some rules

To implement “memory safety without garbage collection”, compiler does not need to go chasing your values around the code. It can decide what is destroyed in a function simply by looking at the function body.

You can easily do that too, if you know the rules. So far, we saw a few of them:

  • Unused return values are destroyed.
  • All values bound with let are destroyed at the end of the scope, unless they are moved.

Here you go, memory safety based on the fact that there can only be a single owner of a value.

However, so far we talked only about immutable let binding - the rules get slightly more complicated when the value can be changed.

Mutable Ownership

All the owned values can be mutated: we just need to put them to mut slot with let. For example, we can mutate some part of bob, like a name:

fn main() {
    let mut bob = Bob::new("A");
    bob.name = "mutant".to_string();
new bob "A"
del bob "mutant"

We created it with name “A”, but deleted a “mutant”.

If we give this value to another function mutate, we can also assign it to mut slot there:

fn mutate(value: Bob) {
    let mut bob = value;
    bob.name = "mutant".to_string();

fn main() {
new bob "A"
del bob "mutant"

So, it is possible to make an owned value mutable at any time.

Useful to know: the function arguments can also be upgraded to mutable, because they are also bindable slots that work the same way as a let slot. So function from previous example can be shortened:

fn mutate(mut value: Bob) { // use mut directly before the arg name
    value.name = "mutant".to_string();

Replacing a value in mutable slot

What happens if we try to overwrite a value in some mut slot? Let’s see:

fn main() {
    let mut bob = Bob::new("A");
    println!(""); // skip line to make output nicer

    // First overwrite using name "B", and then "C"
    for &name in &["B", "C"] {
        println!("before overwrite");
        bob = Bob::new(name);
        println!("after overwrite");
        println!(""); // skip line
new bob "A"

before overwrite
new bob "B"
del bob "A"
after overwrite

before overwrite
new bob "C"
del bob "B"
after overwrite

del bob "C"

The old value gets deleted. The newly assigned value will be deleted at the end of scope - unless it is moved or overwritten again.

Mutable Ownership rules

So, there is one additional rule, for the mutable slots:

  • Unused return values are destroyed.
  • All values bound with let are destroyed at the end of the scope, unless they are moved.
  • Replaced values are destroyed.

Kind of obvious. The point is, in Rust, we are sure nothing else owns or references them - so it is possible to do that.

The power of Ownership system

These ownership rules might seem a tad limiting at first, but only because we are used to a different set of rules. They do not limit what is actually possible, they simply give us a different foundation for building higher-level constructions.

Some of these constructions are way harder to make safe in other languages. Even if they are made safe, they do not necessarily provide compile-time safety guarantees.

We will now overview some of them, available in the standard library.

Memory Allocation

So far we talked about integer-like values, that live on a stack. Our test dummy Bob was such a value. While some popular languages can also keep values only on a stack (struct in C#, or value instantiation without new in C++), many do not.

Instead, a newly constructed object instance (in many languages - with a new operator) is created in what is called the heap memory.

The heap memory has some advantages. First, it is not limited by a stack size. Placing a huge structure on the a stack might simply overflow it. Second, its memory location does not change, unlike the location of a stack value. Every time a stack-allocated value is moved or copied, the actual bits need to be copied from one place of the stack to another. While it is very efficient for a small structure (the values are always “nearby”), it can become slower if the structure grows bigger.

Box solves this by moving our created value to the heap, while wrapping a small pointer to the heap location on the stack.

For example, we can create our Bob in the heap memory like this:

fn main() {
    let bob = Box::new(Bob::new("A"));
new bob "A"
del bob "A"

The type of value bob returned from Box::new is Box<Bob>. This generic type makes the Bob lifecycle managed by this Box<Bob> wrapper and deleted when the Box is deleted.

Box is not copyable, and follows the same ownership rules discussed previously. When it reached the end of life on the stack, its destructor drop was called, which subsequently called the drop on the Bob, as well as cleaned up the memory on the heap.

The triviality of this implementation is a big deal. If we compare this to the solutions in other languages, they mostly do one of the two things. They either leave it up to you to clean up the memory (with some horrible delete statement someone will forget or call twice), or rely on garbage collection to track memory pointers and clean up memory when those pointers are no longer referenced.

In Rust, ownership tracking has no runtime penalty and is ensured to be correct at compile-time. This simple memory deallocation over Box builds directly on ownership tracking, is small, safe and quite often sufficient.

When it is not sufficient, there are other tools that can help with that.

Reference Counting

Rust has enough low-level tools for reference counting to be implemented as a library. It can be used in rare cases when the value has several owners, therefore its end of life can not be determined statically at compile-time.

Rust has a better name for it: shared ownership. The std::rc library provides a way to share ownership of the same value between different Rc handles. The value remains alive as long as there is least one handle for it.

For example, we can make a bob instance managed by Rc handle this way:

use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {
    let bob = Rc::new(Bob::new("A"));
    println!("{:?}", bob);
new bob A
Rc(bob A)
del bob A

Try it here!

We can change our black_hole function to accept Rc<Bob> and check if it is destroyed by it. But instead it would be more convenient to make it accept any type T that implements Debug trait (so we can print it). We are going to make it generic:

fn black_hole<T>(value: T) where T: fmt::Debug {
    println!("imminent shrinkage {:?}", value);

Works the same, and we will not need to change it for every new type change.

Now, back to sending Rc<Bob> to the black hole!

fn main() {
    let bob = Rc::new(Bob::new("A"));
    black_hole(bob.clone()); // clone call
    println!("{:?}", bob);
new bob "A"
imminent shrinkage bob "A"
bob "A"
del bob "A"

Try it here!

Plot twist: happy ending! Bob survives the black hole!

Great! How does this work?

Once wrapped by Rc handle, bob will live as long as there is a live Rc clone somewhere. Rc handle internally uses Box to place new value in heap memory, together with reference count (RC).

Every time a new handle clone is created (by calling clone on Rc), the RC is increased, and when it reaches end of life, decreased. When RC reaches zero, the object itself is dropped and memory is deallocated.

Note, that Rc above is not mutable. If the contents of Bob need to be mutated, it can be additionally wrapped in the RefCell type which allows a mutable borrow of a reference to our single bob instance. In the following example it will be mutated it in the mutate function.

fn mutate(bob: Rc<RefCell<Bob>>) {
    bob.borrow_mut().name = "mutant".to_string();

fn main() {
    let bob = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Bob::new("A")));
    println!("{:?}", bob);
new bob "A"
RefCell { value: bob "mutant" }
del bob "mutant"

Try it here!

The RefCell is used to provide what is called the interior mutability. It is just one of the tools in Rust toolbox to solve a specific problem.

So, the point is: different low-level utilities in Rust can be combined to achieve precisely what is needed with minimal overhead.

For example, Rc can only be used in the same thread. But there is a Arc type for atomic RC usable between threads. A mutable Rc might create cycles when multiple objects reference each other. However, Rc can be cloned into a Weak reference which does not participate in reference-counting. More information can be found in the official documentation.

Most importantly, more advanced memory management mechanisms can (and will) be implemented later, and they can be done as libraries.


It is interesting to see how Rust changes the way we work with threads. The default mode here is no data races. It is not because there are some special safety walls around threads, no. With Rust you can build your own threading library with similar safety properties, simply because the ownership model is in itself thread-safe.

Consider what happens when we send two values into a new Rust thread, a Bob (movable) and an integer (copyable):

use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let bob = Bob::new("A");
    let i : i64 = 12;

    let child = thread::spawn(move || {
        println!("From thread, {:?} and {:?}!", bob, i);

    println!("waiting for thread to end");
new bob "A"
waiting for thread to end
From thread, bob "A" and 12!
del bob "A"

Try it here!

What is happening there? First, we create two values: bob and i. Then we create a new thread with thread::spawn and pass a closure for it to execute. This closure is going to capture our variables bob as i.

Capturing means different things for Bob and i. Because the Bob is non-Copy, it will be moved to the new thread. The i will be copied there. When the theead is running, we can modify original copy of i (if needed). It does not influence the copy that was passed to the thread.

Bob, however, is now owned by this new thread, and can not be modified unless the thread returns it back somehow. If we wanted, we could return it to the main thread over child.join() (the join waits for the thread to finish).

fn main() {
    let mut bob = Bob::new("A");

    let child = thread::spawn(move || {
        mutate(&mut bob);

    println!("waiting for thread to end");

    if let Ok(bob) = child.join() {
        println!("{:?}", bob);

fn mutate(bob: &mut Bob) {
    bob.name = "mutant".to_string();
new bob "A"
waiting for thread to end
bob "mutant"
del bob "mutant"

Experiment more here!

One could say that this does not change much the way we used to work with threads - we know not to share same memory location between threads without some kind of synchronisation. The difference here is that Rust can enforce these rules at compile-time.

Of course, more things are possible in Rust, for example, the channels can be used for sending and receiving data between threads in more efficient ways. More is available in official threading documentation, channel documentation, and the book.

What Else?

We got familiar with ownership system in Rust to the point where we almost seem comfortable to jump in, browse the docs, and create great and safe programs with it.

But the other side was glossed over completely: the borrowing system.

Initially, I was planning to write a two-parter, with second part about the borrowing. But honestly, there are already many resources about it so I no longer feel like continuing. Sorry!