Currently I am learning about microcontrollers (MCU) more powerful than 8-bit Atmega. Naturally, MCUs need code, and I want to use Rust if possible.

For this purpose I’ve got STM32VLDISCOVERY board, which is fairly cheap, and was mentioned in japaric’s post on Rust for embedded development.

Where I am now

Well, I’ve got the board:

Discovery VL

I’ve followed “Discover the world of microcontrollers through Rust!” tutorial to set up tools and the first project. However, since the tutorial is for another board, I have used cortex-m-quickstart project documentation as a base. I stumbled a bit when I used incorect architecture for MCU, or until I found the right crates to look into. There is some duplicated crates, a lot of outdated information (xargo not necessary!), but I eventually found the before mentioned tutorial-book which put me on the right track.

Now I have this project uploaded to the board, and it sends back the “Hello world” text over the gdb link:

Hello world in a console


Previously, I was hesitant to try Rust, and instead stayed in a comfortable Arduino world.

Here I am controlling various LED displays over I2C interface with Arduino Nano:

Arduino Nano and LED displays

My first goal is to learn to do the same with Rust and Cortex-M, which looks challenging at a first glance, primarily because of more advanced MCU with a big datasheet.


While the Rust tools are nothing like Arduino right now, it is not too hard to set them up. I am going to blog more of my progress here as I stumble on the next interesting thing.